Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Japanese Skit

Retard Translator
Japanese person = J
American person = A
Translator = T
*Scene begins with A and T walking side-by-side, and running into J*

J = こんにちわ

A = (looks confused)

T = "He said good afternoon

J = はじめまして (your name) です。 どおぞよろしく

A = (looks at T)

T = "He said his name is _____. what is yours monkey butt?"

A = "WHAT?"

J = あなたは あめりかじんですか?

T = "He said Americans take too much steroids"

A = "WHAT?"

J = にほんごを はなしますか

T = "He said your face looks like road kill"

A = "WHAT?"

J = こんばんゆうしょくごいしょにどうですか?

T = "He said is about to go your mother, is it still 10 bucks?"

A = "You know I speak Japanese right?"

T = "Look at the time, I gotta go.........."

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